Thursday, July 16, 2015

Josiah's Gotcha Day | 06.13.13

  • He's 3.5
  • We've known him all but the first 5 weeks of his life.
  • He is the most energetic little guy I have ever met.
  • He has the most contagious laughter I have ever heard.
  • He stole my heart the moment the shelter worker placed him in my arms.
  • He is an answer to about 18 years of prayer. Ever prayed 18 years for something and then have it finally come true?
  • His Adoption Day (aka Gotcha Day) is always going to be one of the happiest, most joyful days in my life.
  • He has FPIES which means his tummy is sensitive to certain foods. It also means we didn't sleep the first 2 years of his life because his tummy hurt the most at night.
  • He has Sensory Processing Disorder which means he doesn't process things the way we do, he is our little beast, seeking high energy, loud noises & extreme sensations...once those things are met, he is able to be a little calmer. Which also means he might get aggressive so we are very careful with who we are around.
  • But these things don't define him. They are simply challenges that have taught me to depend more on my precious Redeemer.
  • Josiah is a joy to our family.
  • Having him in our family has made me the happiest momma in the world!
  • Jesus has GREAT things in store for him.
  • This morning we read 2 adoption books and I realized the questions will probably start coming within the next 12 months. That scares me. I would really like to get a better picture of his biological mom to include in his photo album.
  • Thank You Jesus for Josiah. 
  • Thank You that today we got to celebrate redemption on earth!!!