Brother Bear is almost 5 months old.
He is precious beyond words! Matt & I still fight over who gets to hold him. No, for real.
He is like the cheese in our mac! The icing on our cake!
Getting to be his Foster family is one of the most awesome things ever!
And right around the corner is a major important Court hearing. *ahem* {Read between the lines.}
It makes me want to break out into Pocahontas's song "...just around the riverbend..."
For those who have been following us through this journey & cheering us on, thank you! For those who don't quite understand why a family of 5 would feel the need to take on another child, but you are curious to see how this turns out, thanks for sticking around! For those newbies, welcome!
We're not able to share distinct details about Brother's case. But we can let you know how we need prayer and what is sorta going on.
We need prayer for this upcoming Court hearing.
What is sorta going on is that it's a MAJOR Court hearing.
Dontcha love how technical I am on here?
In other news, Summer's been nice with Brother here. My girls are content to sit around and watch Little House on the Prairie as well as work on their tans. Brother already has a superb tan! ;)
And you know how you don't really appreciate things until you are at the brink of possibly losing them? Well that doesn't really apply to your children, nor Foster babies, because well, they are YOURS and you wouldn't ever want to think of losing them, but for story's sake...when Brother had a visitation with his momma...oh however many months ago that was: I had to come to grips with the fact that his momma is HIS MOMMA, and she very well may be rehabilitated and she very well may get to have him back. And let's just say that it wasn't a pretty thing to see me try to come to grips with this. I had to go to my happy place and stay there in order to keep from losing my sanity, for sanity's sake. {And in the process I cocooned myself at home, keeping him safe and continuing to work on our bonding.} And here we are, months down the road from all that...and he continues to thrive and grow.
He is safe here. He is loved here. His sisters shower him with sweet baby talk and tickles and lovin's and he just giggles like crazy and eats it up.
His momma...oh how I wish Jesus would fix her up. I love this baby so much that I wish he could someday have a healthy friendship with her. I know that would be healing for him.
Maybe that is just around the riverbend...
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