We received some answers today from our awesome Secondary Case Worker.
She shared with us that our Primary Case Worker needs to set up an Adoption Consultation. This is just a meeting between the P.C.W. and an adoption worker to review the basics of the child's case. The next meeting is the Criteria Staffing, which is supposed to happen 30 days after the consultation. That meeting involves the worker, adoption worker, attorney, and any counselors. The criteria staffing is held to make sure all necessary documents have been completed and requests made. Any identified adoptive placements (that's us, the Morrows) will also be discussed. If the identified placement has a current home study (within one year), the process is sped up a little because the home study does not have to be updated.
Our Primary Case Worker hasn't been easy to get a hold of. :/ Prayers for contacting her would be GREATLY appreciated!
So we've got some answers but we're still just waiting for the Lord to work everything out!