Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sunshine Girl's Paper on Nomads and Foster Care

Sunshine Girl has been studying Nomads and was assigned a paper. She couldn't think of how to write it so she did a little twist on it and compared it to Foster Care.  She's given me permission to post this. She would love to hear your thoughts.  Thanks!

Living like a Nomad

When I was a foster child I was like a Nomad. I always traveled alone like some Nomads did.  I've always traveled from place to place like Nomads did too. The word nomad means “one who wanders for pasture”. For me wandering for pasture means wandering for a home.

It was never fun moving all the time. It was always like “been there done that” all the time. Nomads look for the perfect place for their herd. Like me I've always have been looking for the perfect place for myself.  

For me and the world it's been like a journey and I think I can speak for Nomads also. Even though when I was in foster care and I was always looking for a place, I never gave up. But a lot of times I felt like giving up. I don't really know if Nomads ever gave up or even felt like giving up but I believe that they did not give up on finding a place. 

Because they always look for that one place for their herd. And that one place to call home. I don't know if you ever felt like this but when you're moving it doesn't just stop, it keeps going on and on. And it always seems like forever is never going to quit. 

Some morning's I would wake up and dream that I was at the place where I always dreamed of in my head, then I would go out of the room and it was a natural disaster. I wander if that's how Nomads ever felt? I've never had some one to say “I love you” to me at night and in the morning or even during the day. And I bet you $10,000 that the Nomads that traveled alone, like me, didn’t have anyone to do that to them also.

In school I always felt like a loner. Never getting any attention, never getting that one teacher to help me properly. I bet the nomads felt like loner's too. Now that I see how much Nomads are like me I guess you can call us “God's special one's”.

I can't believe it but I actually found that one place for me though. I'm sure that at least some Nomads got to find that one place for their herds. If not I just wish that they could have. It would have been wonderful.

It was wonderful for me to find out that I have a family interested in me. And that they wanted me to be part of their family. In conclusion, Nomads and foster care children will always have at least one thing in common with each other - not having a home to settle down in, or anything.

You will never been alone because God always has a plan for you.