Tuesday, October 30, 2012


He did well on Nutramigen AA last night!  Thanks for the prayers friends!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Bubba had his 9 Month Well Baby appointment this week.
He weighs 20 pounds and a few ounces.
He's 26 inches long.
He seems to be right on target w/ everything.
No shots this time.  Thank YOU Jesus!!!
Dr. Harvey rocks!  He visited w/ us for about 30 minutes and just caught up on
all our little adventures w/ DHS and FPIES. He is never in a hurry.  He makes time for all my mommy fears, reads up on weird stuff like fpies and sends us to great specialists.  We LOVE Dr Harvey!!!

We also had our in-home meeting with our Primary Case Worker yesterday.
It went super, duper smooth.  Can I get a fist pump?
So next Wednesday is the Criteria Staff Meeting which means the Primary Case Worker sits down with some VIP's and requests that the Morrows get to adopt Bubba!!!!!   :)

God's grace throughout all this just blows our minds away!

And in FPIES news, Bubba's body still only accepts bananas & apples.  He has failed our tries at fresh pears, fresh grapes & Gerber Bananas... We are still asking the Lord to simply heal our little guy but in the meantime, this mommy sits down every night for about 15 minutes pouring over as much fpies info as I can get my hands on.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Answered prayer request

For those who were praying for us on Wednesday, thank YOU!  Our Primary Case Worker called us on Friday, after over a month of not responding to my emails & phone calls.
She is coming Wednesday, Oct 24 for an in-home meeting.
We are RELIEVED!!!
Please continue to pray for favor for our family.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17

Also, it appears Bubba had an FPIES reaction to Gerber bananas.  At this point, we are just going to stick with FRESH FRUITS.  No more pre-made stuff.  It's just not worth it!
Thanks for those who are praying for the Lord's guidance as we journey through these unknown waters with our sweet baby boy.

The Morrows

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Baby is 9 Months Old

Baby Boy turned 9 months a few days ago.  I can't believe how fast the time is passing by!

Baby boy, at nine months, you are...

  • simply the love of our lives!
  • crawling VERY fast, all over the place
  • pulling to a standing position without any help
  • creeping all around the living room on your perfect little feet
  • able to stand in place without holding on
  • thinking very hard about taking your first step
  • still lovin' every single second of your precious life!
  • the giggliest kid we have ever met in our lives
  • extremely curious
  • and loud 
  • LOVE singing loudly
  • good @ interrupting when daddy's reading
  • so, so brave
  • able to hold down bananas and apples (thank you Jesus!!!)
  • flawless in our eyes
  • dearly & fiercely loved by your morrow family!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Some answers, some waiting...

We received some answers today from our awesome Secondary Case Worker.
She shared with us that our Primary Case Worker needs to set up an Adoption Consultation. This is just a meeting between the P.C.W. and an adoption worker to review the basics of the child's case. The next meeting is the Criteria Staffing, which is supposed to happen 30 days after the consultation.  That meeting involves the worker, adoption worker, attorney, and any counselors.  The criteria staffing is held to make sure all necessary documents have been completed and requests made.  Any identified adoptive placements (that's us, the Morrows) will also be discussed.  If the identified placement has a current home study (within one year), the process is sped up a little because the home study does not have to be updated. 

Our Primary Case Worker hasn't been easy to get a hold of.  :/  Prayers for contacting her would be GREATLY appreciated!

So we've got some answers but we're still just waiting for the Lord to work everything out!

Friday, October 5, 2012

FPIES {Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome}

It has been a rough few months.  Because little man is our foster baby, we can't talk publicly about exacts.  But I can tell you that he has something called FPIES which stands for Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome.  I want to raise this awareness for our family & friends, to help keep our baby safe.  If you'd like to be included in the email, please be sure to let me know!
Everyone else, click on HERE for info on what FPIES is and please be praying for our Baby.

Thanks so much,
The Morrows