Monday, February 3, 2014

Foster Care, the need is GREAT!

In December 2013, there were 14,028 in the Foster Care system in Oklahoma alone.  In my county, there were 4,073 children "in the system".  I don't know WHAT THE HECK is wrong with this State that SO many parents are failing their children.  Isn't this supposed to be the Bible Belt?

And yet, the numbers are there and there's no denying it.  There are children that need more of you to open your cozy, warm, SAFE homes to them.  If you are an angry person, don't foster.  Most of these kids have had enough of that in their lives. But if you have ever even simply "thought" about fostering, you should seriously start your paperwork. It takes a good while (6 months at the least) for everything to be finalized.

A few weeks ago our Social Worker texted me asking if we could take in a sibling group. By American standards we don't have "enough room" for them...however, we could move all 3 of my girls into one large room and have an extra room for a sibling group.  I know that's not what society would deem appropriate "what, you would actually cram all your girls into one room?"  Yes, yes I do believe I could do that as long as THEY were ok with it. Because there are far more eternal things that matter to me than simply caring what society thinks is appropriate.  There are little lives at stake.  There are young girls who have never known "safe" love.  There are souls simply waiting for someone to love them like Jesus, to teach them about Him, to show them that they MATTER and that they have a purpose.

Then last week, we were asked if we could take in a 5 year old boy.  And again, we were willing, if we had a larger vehicle, but we don't.

And I have daughters who are willing, as long as we can homeschool the newbies and as long as the Lord provides us with a larger vehicle.

My husband is amazing.  3 years ago, he answered God's call to adoption.  And now he's willing to take in a 2nd foster child because he sees how great the need is.

And my daughters, the ones who have an opinion about bedroom space - to be WILLING to give it up so that another child doesn't end up in a shelter.

Thank You Lord. Thank you for changing hearts and opening their little eyes to see that you love sacrificially, deeply, radically!

How about you?  Maybe 2014 is the year for your family to love radically?

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