Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thank you!

Oh my stars!!!  Thank you praying friends!  Thank you Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve!
Wait, what?  No, no, I haven't heard back from the Case Worker or the Attorney.
BUT... I DID have a baby who went to bed at 10:30 and didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning!!!

I may have woken up around 4 scared outta my mind because I felt rested and the baby hadn't woken up...the previous 5 nights we would've already been up at least 4 rounds by then!  Did the whole hold-my-breath-hand-on-his-chest trick to make sure all was well.  All was well!  :)

Thanks for your prayers!
We're hoping to hear from the Case Worker today, but it may not be until tomorrow.



  1. yay for sleeeeep!!! I remember when mine finally slept a long stretch, it was a moment I'd been hoping for but then was up for several hours just wondering when they would wake up!
